
"This Title Has No Comma In It"

 I don't keep up on new developments in English grammar. I'm not even up to speed on old developments. But there is one thing that I do differently than everyone else, on purpose, and I'll argue here that it isn't wrong. It's about quotes and punctuation.

 My argument is that quote marks indicate that the content between the marks is accurately represented exactly as someone else said, or exactly as you should reproduce it in the future. Therefore, the punctuation that exists for purposes of sentence structure, and is not part of the quote, belongs OUTSIDE the quotes, not inside.

 I agree that this post is not informative, and is boring, but I want you all to know that I'm doing it on purpose. It is a choice; it is not born from ignorance.

 So now you know that all the rest of my grammar errors are just that - ignorant errors. This particular one, however, is not an error - it's me being right against the crushing weight of the rest of the world.

 - Trevor.


Delight the True Believers

Seth Godin says on his blog: "Instead of working so hard to prove the skeptics wrong, it makes a lot more sense to delight the true believers." (Hat Tip to Lifehacker.com)

 I just want to add my voice to his, and maybe amplify it a bit. He goes into a bit more detail in his post, and it spoke to me. Strongly. It's a new way of looking at "I don't care what they think", which has always seemed a little false to me. I do care what they think, even though I don't want to.

 Here is a way to continue to care what "they" think, and turn it on its head to gain motivation instead of killing your idea so thoroughly you forget that you had it.

 That's a good way to look at life. No conflicts with those against me, because I'm focusing on those who are with me. Delight those who believe, and if no one does, delight yourself.

 - Trevor.


It's The Journey, Not The Destination

I don't know why people find these words worth repeating, or why they might take comfort from them. To me, they are words that don't seem to apply to the person saying them, they're meant for the listener, to tell the listener that he is doing something wrong, looking at something wrong, feeling something wrong, and he should quit being unhappy. Just flip a switch and @!+&*@ing smile.

 Like so many political solutions that are offered up, there is little attention paid to details, or how a thing could - or couldn't - actually work. Just be happy by fiat, and if it doesn't work, then there is something wrong with YOU, not my prescription.

 In my opinion (which is what you're here for, right?), the only actual meaning that could be squeezed out of these words is that for most people, in order to be happy, they have to be making progress toward a meaningful goal; one doesn't have to wait for goal achievement in order to take pleasure from it. But there's another side to that concept. A dark side, if you will. If you can feel the joy of goal achievement in anticipation of it, prior to completion, then circumstances which move you away from your goal can be as devastating as final failure.

 So these words, to me, when used as some sort of mood booster, are meaningless drivel, usually uttered by someone that in the future can be safely ignored - so not altogether different from me.

 - Trevor.


 I'm rooting for Hillary Clinton for President in 2016, because, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
  - Trevor.